Bassem Adel Gaber & Co
Certified Public Accountants
IFRS Advisory

The adoption of IFRS standards allows entities to simplify their accounting processes and improve their efficiency. The deep and relevant expertise of our advisors enables us to provide complex services to assist our clients with the technical areas of the IFRS:
Transaction based advisory.
Financial statements reporting under IFRS.
First time adoption of IFRS.
Implementation of a specific standard.
Expected Credit loss (ECL) calculation.
Right of use (ROU) assessment.
Assets impairment assessment.
Transition from the local GAAP to IFRS.
Purchase price allocation study.
IFRS Training
Over 167 countries require or permit the use of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for publicly-traded companies. Many other countries around the world are moving towards applying IFRS.
ACCA’s Certificate in International Financial Reporting Standards (CertIFR) offers a broad introduction to the field, and aims to help you understand how they are used globally. The course and assessment are separate so if you are already applying IFRS at work and want formal recognition of your skills, you can apply to take the online assessment only. But if you just want extra knowledge in the field you can choose to take the course only, or you can complete both.
Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. DipIFR is a fast and efficient solution that will develop your current knowledge in this field. As well as how to apply the standards, you will learn the concepts and principles which underpin them.
Which qualification you choose depends on your current knowledge and experience. To find out more about each and chose which is most appropriate for you, Please call or visit us at your earliest convenience.
Contact for more details:
Bassem Gaber, CPA, ACCA