Bassem Adel Gaber & Co
Certified Public Accountants
Cash Flow stopped flowing?
Nearly all businesses will encounter a cash flow problem at one stage in their life cycle. Fortunately for those businesses, most cash flow problems can be prevented with preparation, and the right strategy.
How can I improve short term cashflow problems?
Chase your debts. It’s not rocket science. Pick up the phone, speak to customers and ask them why they haven’t paid and when they’re going to pay.
Don’t rely on your bank. When your bank won’t extend overdraft facilities, talk to us about alternative ways of raising cash.
Consider factoring or invoice discounting. These can give you 90% of the invoice value immediately – ask us about how to make best use of factoring.
How do I improve long term cashflow problems?
Debtor management. Learn how to manage debtors nearly due, due or overdue – our team can help.
Issue invoices promptly. It gets your invoices in a customer’s system more quickly.
Cashflow forecasting. Predict the peaks and troughs in your cashflow. Helps you to plan borrowing or know when surplus cash is available.
Consider asset re-finance or sale & leaseback. We’ll help you use your equipment assets to release cash.
Cashflow & forecasting
If you are having problems with cashflow we can help prepare cashflow forecasts which can help you to plan for growth and stabilise your business to help make your future plans a reality.